Thursday, May 22, 2008

All peoples and men of every language

It comes from a verse in Daniel; "all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him." Daniel was describing a dream he had of the Son of Man and His Kingdom. I can just imagine what heaven will be like. People of every color, language, size, and shape worshiping our Lord together and living in community as the body of Christ.

I'm learning a lot from the short contact I've had with the Christians in Liberia. Their worship and prayers are so passionate and powerful. There's no shame in praying out loud in a group, storming the gates of heaven. There's no shame in singing praise from the depths of your lungs, even if it's only considered a "joyful noise" and not necessarily in tune. I'm encouraged by their focus and inspired by their bold prayers.

We have a patient in the ward that has been here for weeks. She's a 9 year old smart little girl who is under going several plastic surgeries to reconstruct her lips. It started when she had fallen in a ditch and badly injured her leg. Her mother took her to the hospital where she had contracted a bad infection and developed a severe reaction to penicillin (depending on who you talk to, the mom or doctor) causing her lips to swell and the flesh dying away. She no longer had the upper or lower lips, exposing her teeth and disfiguring her face. Her mother was telling me how devastating it was and how she sobbed for days mourning the horrible disfigurement of her once beautiful daughter and only child. She went on to tell me how she had fasted and stormed the gates of heaven for over a week. She then received and is standing on the promise that her daughter will be restored and healed. Such faith in the face of despair. What a great inspiration and testimony of the greatness of God. He hears our prayers and tells us to be faithful in them.

1 comment:

Amber Snyder said...

Jodi I love reading your blog. Mopped the floor today. folded some clothes too. So glad your talents are being put to good use. I know you must be a real comfort to your patients.